I have a close friend in Northampton who, day by day, has been expanding my knowledge on the current agricultural crisis.
My interest in the topic started when I saw a This American Life episode last winter where they went to an engineered pig farm, but the more I read, the more I'm getting frustrated. Here's some links to various sites/articles/documentaries: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Monsanto, http://www.foodincmovie.com, http://www.organicconsumers.org/monlink.cfm
and apparently, this is the woman to turn to, an Anastasia who lives in the outskirts of Siberia: http://www.ringingcedars.com
even more importantly, I'm teetering on the edge of wanting to be more outspoken about being against Obama. Just as many vegans don't expound their views onto others, I'm not doing so in regards to how I feel towards our current president, but honestly, Americans of every race and religion need to wake up. As a journalist, messenger, whatever you want to call me, I need to be true to myself to say what I think. Think what you want, but I wouldn't call myself misinformed.
[I'd like to think these people weren't crazy.]
On a different note, I have taken much consideration into becoming a vegan. Moving to Northampton has opened my eyes, broadened my horizons and perspectives. Connecticut is in denial mode major, and I'm glad I got out.
Food for thought.
Huh? I'm not a fan of Barry "Baz" Obama but the so called Birther movement makes no sense. People who often come up with these conspiracy theories often begin their statements with, "OK, I want you to keep an open mind", but they, even in the face of overwhelming evidence, never concede that their theories are stupid. It's telling that the birthers fell for an obvious forgery (http://www.salon.com/politics/war_room/feature/2009/08/03/birthers_kenya/index.html)but did't accept the birth announcement in the Hawaiian newspaper or the certificate of live birth!
"They were raised on these beliefs, as we ALL were."
What beliefs? That the president is guilty of high treason(the white haired guy in the video), a charge punishable by death? Or that someone who's trying to save capitalism is a socialist or fascist? Treason is defined as an action that helps a foreign government overthrow or takeover the parent nation. What has Obama done so far that's treasonous? What's amazing is that all this vitriol and bile isn't based on a single shred of evidence or knowledge of the constitution and American law. This only leads me to believe that there's something ugly and sinister underlying this anger and frustration...
I agree that:
1. Corporations and lobbies exert a lot of influence in Washington and policies that come about as a result of this influence are to the detriment of the American people. And, Obama is guilty of hiring Wall street shills and company execs to pad his administration.
2. Obama has reneged on a lot of his promises.
But all those statements are rendered stupid if I begin them with, "Obama isn't American, therefore..". Anyone who's even remotely familiar with US history knows that those charges can be leveled against every president for the last 100 years, so it's time we opposed this one on those issues and not over crazy charges of treason or socialism. In short, sharpen your rhetoric before you blame the media, the administration and others for a problem that's systemic.
Oh and good luck becoming a vegan! I've been a vegetarian all my life and decided to turn vegan last year after I saw how people treat farm animals here...There are lots of great vegan options in this area. NoHo has some decent restaurants and I think there's a Vegan restaurant in Greenfield.
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