Friday, October 15, 2010


This is what happens when you decide to orchestrate some 'considerably happy and upbeat' updates for the world so they're unaware of my current fear of everything but fear. Of course, this was my little 'thought bubble' on facebook where you can put anything your little heart desires, and boy when does my trap shut? Wait scratch that - my fingers want to write something. If this is the only 'BS' I can get out, well everyone can suck it, I'm going to say what I want to say. (I really don't mean that. It'd always be nice to be a little bit more badass.)

"The most glorious rice risotto with two kinds of mushrooms (1up x ?) is in mi estomago, which shook as i laughed at really funny shows and drank LIQUID COOKIES and looked at the best book ever that had things on cats and planted a bottle cap on elliot's heat and he wore it ever so proudly and I get to babysit him soon and our epic journey will be foretold and will be somewhat considerably better than Homeward Bound. but where we run to - no one will know. oh and Gaby and I are going to make a show?"

It's 12:32 America, and where are you?

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