Thursday, May 26, 2011

whoever possesses the key to the world, actually rules the world?

You really stop to wonder sometimes what keeps us going day by day.

What kept me entertained at work tonight (and by no means will anyone understand it.)
- "Absolutely Asinine!"
- Wabbit Season, DUCK Season!
- Troubleshooter Lady fixes computers, wears superhero garb with a giant T on the front
- Things that James Earl Jones should say: a Vagina Monologue skit, "BARBECUE SAUCE!"
+ Add Stephen Hawking and Al Roker into equation to create the "Supreme Dream Team"

ALSO, drew a picture of a hot straw hatted mamacita and a cross between Colonel Sanders and Kurt Vonnegut. (32 varieties of spice!)

WANT to get some friends interested in enacting/filming a short play by Kurt Vonnegut that was devoured recently. IT'S DELICIOUSLY CYNICAL. mmm.

Oh, and the crazies have been craisin out lately. Watch out.

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