Sunday, October 30, 2011

iron and wine

Have had such a zest for life right now I haven't been sleeping, I'm healed enough for moderate movement. Simba and I are old geezers when we're walking... but he's so majestic little kids come up and meet him, and then they run away grossed out from the bag of poop being carried in my hand. 14 x 7 = Simba is 98 in dog years! He's silly though, I was letting him inside after hanging outside on the porch drawing, he got so rambunctious he tried to blast through the glass door without thinking... he definitely enjoyed his Sunday shuffle, as rebellious as he is. He glances at rules like, 'oh fuck you. I was rejected by a family after 10 years of training me to replace me with a puppy. Those bastards! You're a gimp though, I'll comply.'

My leg propped on the couch is so perfect right now, random songs on the shuffle. theme of the moment: everyday i'm shufflin'

Garfield wants that silly Odie to come lick her on the side of the face all drooly like.

Goofing off on Chatroulette is probably one of my new favorite things. Getting to be a goofy ass mofo and making people smile... and saying hello good Sundays to people all over the world!

My heart is beating finally. I forgot it was there for a while.

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