Friday, March 25, 2011

love in the fast lane

Had the most vivid 1960's dream with you in it last night, because you still haunt my dreams.

You came over, and I pinned you to the floor and asked you if you hated me. You said no, that you never could, that you'd always be there for me as long as I was there for you, and I said yes. We watched a movie, cuddled and kissed.
Unfortunately, you were also on the run from the cops. At a party we were both attending, I was worried because I hadn't seen you in a bit. Cops busted in, I grabbed my shoes, hurriedly and stealthily got them on my feet, and went looking for you. I found you, you looked so scared, we hugged each other close, and then went running. We got as far as another's house, thought we were safe for a while. I tried to calm you down by stroking your long locks, but you were frazzled beyond belief. Cops busted in again. We got separated. You were dealing with a pig and you told me to run. I just kept running into the dark cold void of the mountainous outdoors. I didn't feel right running without you. Last thing I can remember in my dream - you had somehow made it up into the mountains. But you were upset wondering where I was, and I - the same, in regards to you.

Randoms: You had ran away from your dad. I found his last name in a phonebook and called it up, and the voicemail of your father was that of a thick southern accent. You told me you wanted nothing to do with him.

You also had scrawled a certain charles mansonish symbol onto the wall in your house, and then built a version of it out of wood and hung it up.

it was one intense dream. even though we never see nor speak to each other, i'm glad i know you to have had it. was blockbuster worthy. of course it made me think/i probably still care about you. i guess i always will.

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